- Promote flexible scheduling of classes and meetings with advisors with weekend and evening availability
- Facilitate collaboration between two-year and four-year institutions
- Provide mentoring programs to school aged children that will help overcome barriers of gender discrimination and inspire individuals from a young age. Start early!
- Showcase role-models and their success stories. Have role models serve as support systems to decrease feelings of isolation.
- Provide financial assistance, tutoring, childcare, and job placements.
- Provide a straightforward and simple application with good and easy to reach customer service.
- Promote the benefits of nontraditional occupations, such as social relevance, higher wages, economic self-sufficiency, job satisfaction and broader
opportunities. - Provide face to face academic and career counseling.
- Use media to your advantage in running a recruitment campaign, send out press releases to local media outlets.
- Place nontraditional opportunities for women in women magazines and vice versa for men.
- Provide orientations, internships, and job shadowing.
- Ensure equitable training for both male and female employees.
- Adopt a proactive approach to incidents of sexual harassment.
- Provide teachers' trainings to address unconscious bias.
- Evaluate the curricula to de-gender contents and address bias.
- Develop recruitment messages that are de-gendered.
- Use social media and information and communication technologies to reach younger and older audience.
- Build partnerships with businesses and community organizations to strengthen outreach.
- Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate! What gets evaluated gets done!